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Z-set, is a comprehensive suite of integrated analysis programs for general purpose structural analysis, with a special emphasis on advanced material representation. Z-set is composed of several self-sufficient modules that can act independently or together, in order to expand the capabilities of existing FEA platforms in terms of material behavior modeling and simulation.

The complete description of the Z-set modules is given hereafter:

Z-MAT: is a powerful library that extends the material capabilities of standard finite element software.

Z-SIM: is an effective tool for fast simulation of experimental results and user material model analysis.

Z-OPT: is a general-purpose optimization package that can be interfaced with any external software.

Z-POST: is a general purpose post-processing package designed to act on any type of data resulting from a Finite Element Analysis.

Z-CRACKS: is a module for 3D fracture mechanics analysis and crack propagation simulation.

ZEBULON: is the state-of-the-art finite element solver specifically tailored to the resolution of non-linear structural mechanical problems.

VA One

VA One SEA Module is widely used by all sectors dealing with noise & vibration problems and conducting research and development projects.

Hybrid Module, acoustics, and vibration engineers; It offers the most advanced modeling technology in the world for vibro-acoustic methods. FE / BEM / SEA modeling techniques are available simultaneously on the same model as the Hybrid module.

The structural FE module, allows you to calculate the responses of structural FE subsystems using your existing NASTRAN solver. Besides NASTRAN, it can exchange data with dozens of solvers without any problem.

The acoustic FE module has been developed to create precise models of closed acoustic cavities in low-frequency bands and to optimize the low-frequency performance of noise reduction elements of poroelastic materials.

Foam Module is used to calculate the acoustic properties of the poroelastic materials by using “Biot Theory”. PEM models can be created especially for low-frequency analysis with Foam module, they can be added to VA One models and integrated with FE structural and FE acoustic subsystems.


Virtual Seat Solution (VSS)

ESI Virtual Seat Solution (VSS) seat design software is a dedicated software solution to the topic of virtual prototyping of seats. With VSS, OEMs and seat suppliers can design, manufacture, test, develop and validate virtually any design process, seat prototypes, without the need for costly physical prototypes.

In a standard design process, real prototypes are prepared, tested, developed and tested repeatedly. This time frame is usually the stage where issues and areas to focus on are discovered, but this happens at the end of the development cycle. At this point, it may be too late or too expensive to change your seat design.

However, with Virtual Seat Solution seat fabrication simulation, you can test your seat’s performance before the design freezes and anticipate any manufacturing issues. This enables further innovations and fixes early in the development cycle. You can evaluate all performance domains (security, H-Point estimation, static and dynamic comfort, thermal comfort, etc.) using a single core model. This feature allows seat designers, seat engineers and seat specialists to work simultaneously and efficiently. Using a single model, you can quickly evaluate tradeoffs between different design options to develop your virtual prototype.

Additionally, the Virtual Seat Solution provides a highly accurate estimate of seat performance as it takes into account the effects of production. Thanks to special applications and human models, users can evaluate performance by accurately and accurately reflecting the interaction between seat and occupants.

DigitalClone for Engineering

DC-E is a multi-body dynamics digital twin that uses physics-based models to make statistical life predictions of drive train components. It is the world’s only integrated solution from system modeling to bearing and gear detailed analysis to simulation-based component life prediction. No other solution incorporates microstructure-based life predictions. Customers indicate that DC-AM can reduce iterations for design optimization by 75% and decrease cost for AM part qualification by up to 50%.

Build Your Own Models : Create system and component models and assess life – create response surface FMUs. Available in standard AWS and AWS GovCloud deployments.

Material Characterization: Provides services to perform the material characterization of the parameters needed to perform life estimation.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA): We can conduct RCAs on early failures within your fleet.

Model Management: Upload and manage run-time models to offer products and services on DigitalClone Platform.

Business Value

  • Design engineering or risk assessment of turbine or component technology in Wind, Aerospace and Rail.
  • Test new material and/or proprietary material not already in the database.
  • Conduct trade-off and sensitivity studies to understand optimal asset configuration and create the “Golden Bill of Materials.”

DigitalClone for Additive Manufacturing

DC-AM is a physics-based ICME platform that links process-microstructure-fatigue performance for metal additive manufacturing that virtually examines AM parts at microscale level, including grain size, grain morphology, porosity. Customers indicate that DC-AM can reduce iterations for design optimization by 75% and decrease cost for AM part qualification by up to 50%.

Link Processes: Physics-based ICME platform that links process-microstructure-fatigue performance for metal additive manufacturing.

Virtually Examine AM Parts: Unique microstructure module that virtually examines AM parts at microscale level, including grain size, grain morphology, porosity.

Predict Fatigue Performance: Proprietary fatigue model that predicts fatigue performance at grain level considering microstructural defects and variations.

Optimize the AM Process : Multi-dimensional process and design optimization to allow user to optimize the AM process and design based on microstructure and/or fatigue results.

This physics-based simulation suite has been well demonstrated in different AM platforms (i.e. powder bed fusion and direct energy deposition) and several alloys systems that our customers have been interested in. Those materials include Inconel 625, Inconel 718, 17-4 PH, 15-5 PH stainless steel, Ti64, and AlSi10Mg alloy. Additionally, the simulation suite can be applied to any new alloy with minimum calibration needed.

Business Value

  • Physics-based ICME platform that links process-microstructure-fatigue performance for metal additive manufacturing
  • Unique microstructure module that virtually examines AM parts at microscale level, including grain size, grain morphology, and porosity
  • Proprietary fatigue model that predicts fatigue performance at grain level considering microstructural defects and variations
  • Cloud-based software that leverages AWS high-performance computing for fast simulation.

Virtual Performance Solution (VPS)

VPS crash module, is a software solution developed to carry out all crash simulation activities based on structural and passenger safety starting from the early design stage and taking into account the manufacturing effects (casting, metal forming and composite forming).

VPS passenger safety module, is a software solution developed to simulate how and to what extent the occupants will be affected in the event of a collision, airbag explosion and positioning, seat belt design and occupants. For covering all safety standards, wide library of validated dummy models are available, such as;Hybrid III FE, Multi Body model, THOR FE, EUROSID2, US DOT SID SID-IIs BioRID II.

VPS NVH module; Automotive, truck, bus and tractor industries in order to eliminate noise and vibration-based problems and more comfortable tools designed to develop a software solution.

The VPS cabin acoustics module, is a software solution developed for the automotive, truck, bus and tractor industries to simulate the contribution of insulation materials used to identify noise sources in the cabin, to determine how they are propagated, and to prevent noise and vibration.

VPS static analysis module, is a software solution developed to simulate linear and non-linear results of static loads affecting your design.

The VPS seat comfort module (VSS), is a software solution developed to carry out safety, vibration, thermal and static comfort analyses of the passenger through the digital passenger and seat models that you can add.

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