- Modal Analysis
- SDOF local, global
- MDOF local, global
- Handfit
- Mode-Indicator Function
- Polyreferenz
- Synthetic FRFs
- Fit Quality Function
- MAC Function
- Simulation
- UFF Import / Export
- Animation as AVI-Files
A manual excitation with a small Modal hammer without a „Double Hit“ is nearly impossible – a well-known and very inconvenient issue. As a solution for this issue MAUL-THEET developed the product family of the automatic Modal hammer „vImpact“. This enables you to precisely and reproducibly excite structures and measure the excitation forces. The series of automatic Modal hammer from MAUL–THEET includes the vImpact–20 and the vImpact–60. The difference lies mainly in the performance of the measuring range – the vImpact–60 to max. 60kHz, the vImpact–20 measures up to 20kHz.
- Automatic Modal Hammer for high frequencies
- Adjustable Force Amplitude
- Adjustable Impact Rate
- Timer Operation
- External Trigger TTL, Closer Contact
- Excitation Force > 150 N peak
- Frequency Range up to 60kHz
- High Impact Reproducibility
- Setup Operation

- Automatic Modal Hammer for high forces > 2 kN
- Adjustable Impact Intensity
- Timer Operation: 1 impact per s to 1 Impact per 1000 s
- External Trigger: TTL, closer
- High Excitation: 2000 N (Steel on steel)
- Works in all Directions
- Frequency Range up to 6 kHz
- High Impact Repeatability

- Automatic Modal Hammer for frequencies up to 20 kHz
- Adjustable Force Amplitude
- Adjustable Impact Rate
- Timer Operation
- External Trigger TTL, Closer Contact
- Excitation Force > 150 N peak
- Frequency Range up to 20kHz
- High Impact Reproducibility

With vMonitor, Maul-Theet offers a flexible system for permanent recording of vibrations and shock events in buildings. The measurements can also be made according to DIN4150.
Vibration monitoring 24h/7
Selectable number of channels
Frequency range adjustable
Anti-aliasing filter
Connection of any sensors
Remote inquiry
Data transfer via telephone / internet
Operation via touch screen
Warning Local: Horn, Flashing light
Warning Online: SMS, email

High Precision Automotive Disc Brake Pad / Natural Frequency and Damping Test
- Frequency Range better than standard requirement (500Hz to 16 kHz)
- Frequency Resolution < 1 Hz at 20 kHz
- Calculation of Damping or Loss Factor according to SAE J2598
- Selectable dB Values for Damping Estimation for each Natural Frequency
- Quality Sentencing based on Frequency Tolerances
- Temperature Measurement with optional Frequency Correction
Test stand for automatic damping estimation on brake pads
- Automatic estimation of natural frequency and damping
- Temperature range –30°C to +140°C
- Excitation by automatic impact hammer
- Non contact vibration measurement by Laser Doppler Vibrometer
- Frequency ranges up to 20 kHz
- Frequency resolution <5 Hz
- Automatic damping estimation according to manufacturer specifications
- Shim Database
- In compliance with SAEJ 3001 and EKB 1110a

The vAnalyzer is PC based measurement system. There are various systems available, ranging from a small external USB-box connected to a notebook with 2, 4, 8,12 or 16 channels up to a large systems with 64 channels using LAN connection.
Special versions of the vAnalyzer allow the data transfer from different external systems. For solutions in order to interface customer systems please contact us.
Generally the import of measurement data can be conducted using the UFF file format or user-defined ASCII files.
The new ultra-portable data acquisition system providing dynamic data capture for a wide range of field and mobile or test facility applications. Four analog input channels plus a tachometer and an analog output per unit. Versatile self-contained solution with data streamed to a laptop or other PC via USB.

High Perfomance Laser Doppler Vibrometer Scanning System
- Upgrades Single-Point Laser Vibrometer to a full Range Scanning System
- HD CCD-Camera with Optical Zoom
- Built-In Data Acquisition
- 4 Channel with 20 kHz Freq. range
- 3 Channel with 80 KHz Freq. range
- 2 Channel with 2 MHz Freq. range
- Portable
- USB Interface
- Extensive Scanning Software
- ODS Animation
- Options: Time Recording – Modal analysis
The vSpeedBox allows to measure speed without any tacho inputs and with a normal DC input. Inside the vSpeedBox, the input pulses coming from the LED-Sensor are used to measure the signal period with high accuracy based on 16 MHz time base.

Hydroacoustics is a comprehensive solution for typical hydro acoustic ship measurement & evaluation for classification purposes. It covers the customer site setup with different measurement places and their hydrophones, including the spectral corrections from the calibration routines. Additionally the system can be used mobile onboard (local database) with automatic data synchronization to the central database when coming home to the base measurement site.