EI1050 Digital Temperature/Humidity Probe
Uses two digital lines on any LabJack to retrieve temperature and relative humidity measurements. Featuring the Sensirion SHT11 sensor, it provides 14-bit temperature readings and 12-bit humidity readings. An enable line is provided to allow multiple EI-1050 probes to be connected to a single LabJack.
- Temperature Range: -40 to +120 °C
- Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5 °C @ 25 °C
- Humidity Range: 0-100 %RH
- Humidity Accuracy: ±3.5 %RH
- Made by Electronic Innovations Corp.
For more information, see The EI-1050 Datasheet and our optional Testing/Setup Utility.
End Of Life (EOL) Notice:
The EI-1050 from Electronic Innovations Corporation has been discontinued and remaining stock is expected to be gone around March 2021.
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